Sunday, March 1, 2015

March 1, 2015 - fresh snow at last

Wow, it's been a long time since I posted anything and today was a picture perfect day at home, so what better thing to do then download the camera and write a few notes.  We've been sticking very close to home over the last month as I have been recovering from an unexpected full hip replacement.  Still a ways off from the hula competition, but at least I am walking around without crutches, riding the exercise bike, doing some light shoveling and amazingly enough driving the tractor around to clear out room for people to park from the recent snow. Here are the promised photos, some have been waiting in the camera a long time.

This is from the Glenshire Pond before the most recent snow.  The surface is almost completely frozen and the water fowl have mostly moved down the hill somewhere to open water.  Snowy Donner summit in the background.

My sister Diana brought us this amazing orchid over a month ago when I first came home from the hospital, and it is still going strong, bringing us much joy. Don't know how it is surviving in this super dry climate. Thanks again Diana!

Now, the Feb 28/March 1 revival snowstorm.  Yipee, snow at last.  Why get in the car, when you can ski right from the back door.  Go Diane!!

Then she disappeared into the woods.

Sunset tonight.

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